SplasHIIT KIDS is a game changer 

Working out in water is proven to have huge health benefits. For years, research has shown the water to heal, de-stress and create a sense of renewal. NOW we are finding new ways to leverage the water for fitness classes for adults and KIDS!

The SplasHIIT KIDS experience is like no other. Our students move their bodies, get their heart rate pumping and leave class feeling like superheroes. We believe in the power of positivity and empower each and every kid to be themselves – in and out of the pool. The magic lies in the water itself. It levels the playing field and naturally provides an atmosphere where kids are not judging or comparing. We work hard with the bodies we have, to the capabilities we have, with important reminders to be proud of the skin we are in.

While it’s not required, we do highly recommend that your child have basic water safety knowledge before jumping into the pool. Even though we always give children the option to remain in the shallow end and/or use pool noodles for assistance, we always insist our students are mindful of pool safety.

Why attend SplasHIIT KIDS

Build self-confidence & positive mindset

– Have a blast getting exercise

– Inspiration that lasts beyond the pool

– Every student is an athlete in the pool


The SplasHIIT experience is life-changing and is truly appropriate for EVERYbody.

Be a part of the change.